
Showing posts from August, 2024

Twenty Five

A flashback to some inspirational writing I wrote as I was turning 25. I am about to turn 38. The years since then have been hard, and yet, so much easier than my early years. Life is a journey, if you can learn to live and trust yourself along the way. You'll grow into your challenges, rather than lose hope and stop sailing into new seas. Believe in you. 💗 As I come to my 25 th birthday, I find myself reflecting on the first quarter of my life. I have survived birth, childhood, the breakdown of my parents’ marriage, the death of my father and several others, stepfathers, isolation, never ending change, moving houses and schools. I have survived adolescence, puberty, the battle of self-esteem, identity, relationships, sex, social dynamics, love, the gauntlet of drugs and alcohol, power and perfectionism. I have survived a science degree. To have my innate ignorance challenged and to be inspired by the amazing, exquisite beauty that exists in this universe. From the atom,