Spirituality is not the same as religion

This quote from Stanislav Grof does a lot to clarify the difference between spirituality and religion.

I don't believe in religion or some man in the sky, but I do believe there is a place in a human's life for spirituality. If there wasn't why would we have created gods in the first place?

“To prevent the confusion and misunderstandings that in the past have plagued discussions about spiritual life and have created a false conflict between religion and science, it is critical to make a clear distinction between spirituality and religion. Spirituality is based on direct experiences of ordinarily hidden dimensions of reality. … Spirituality involves a special relationship between the individual and the cosmos and is in its essence a personal and private affair…

By comparison, the basis of organised religion is institutionalised group activity that takes place in a designated location (temple, church, synagogue), and involves a system of appointed mediators. Ideally, religion should provide for its members access to and support for direct spiritual experiences. However, it often happens that, once it becomes organised, a religion more or less loses the connection with its spiritual source and becomes a secular institution exploiting human spiritual needs without satisfying them. Instead, it creates a hierarchical system focusing on the pursuit of power, control, politics, money, and other possessions. Under these circumstances, religious hierarchy tends to actively discourage and suppress direct spiritual experiences of its members, because they foster independence and cannot be effectively controlled…

True spirituality is universal and all-embracing, and is based on personal mystical experience rather than on dogma or religious scriptures. Mainstream organised religions unite people within their own radius, but tend to be divisive, because they set their own group against all the others and often tend to either convert them or eradicate them. There cannot be any conflict between true spirituality and correctly understood science. Transpersonal experiences are a natural manifestation of the human psyche, and there is nothing unscientific in subjecting them to serious study.” - Stanislav Grof


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